C4C are delighted to report that the result of the East Sutherland Coul Links community ballot was a resounding
An overwhelming 69.2% of voters said yes to the question “Do you support a community planning application for an environmentally sensitive, world-class golf course to be built at Coul Links near Embo”. The vote, conducted by Civica Election Services, the UK’s leading provider of election services, is an unequivocal result in favour of our aim.
We sincerely thank everybody who voted in this ballot. The turnout of 44.4% was incredibly high for such a one-off event and is comparable to the turnout at local Council elections and about 10% higher than European Parliament elections.
C4C will take this result as our mandate to move ahead with a new planning application for an environmentally sensitive world class golf course at Coul Links to create employment and economic prosperity for East Sutherland.